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The February Issue: Eat Happy

Buckle up. February's Issue is Eat Happy, which means we get to talk about one of our favorite things ever: food. While restrictive diets may be all the rage, there's dissent bubbling out there. It's possible that in the quest to be the cleanest eater, the best detoxer and most ethically responsible shopper we've actually stressed ourselves way the fuck out. SO over it.

This month let's focus on eating to feel healthy and happy. That means being responsible about what you put in the bod without stressing out over every last detail. Healthy food should taste good. Eating well shouldn't make us feel deprived, weak or crabby. We can eat a frigging donut every now and then.

If you’d like to contribute a story or photo or such, please email us at

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Photo Credit: Candice LinkieCC BY-ND 2.0