Ask A Chick: Do You Work Out When You're Sick?
Q: When you have allergies kick in or when you feel a cold coming on, how do you change your workout?
JESS: Usually, I'll reduce the weight I lift and lighten the intensity of the cardio I do, but I still try to get to the gym because I know I'll feel better after I get up and do something. I get especially klutzy when I'm sick and always seem to roll an ankle or end up bruised when I try to push it too hard.
EMILY: The rule I generally go by is if the symptoms are neck-up, sweat it out; if it's below the shoulders (chest cold, flu, stomach issues, etc.), rest rest rest. Never workout with a fever. And if you do workout when you're feeling under the weather, be sure to be extra cautious about cleaning surfaces you touch, and hydrate twice as much as normal!
ERIN: I'll be a bonehead and just go in anyway, unless I suspect I'm contagious. Because spreading your sick all over the gym for others to catch is a party foul. Precision Nutrition has a good infographic here that explains how to make better choices for your body when you're feeling out of it.
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Photo Credit: CC BY-SA 2.0 / By Dave Riggs